Crude Oil Chart and Live Prices
Crude Oil
Crude oil is often referred to as Light Sweet Crude and WTI Oil or CL on futures exchanges. In its raw form when freshly extracted the color of Crude Oil can vary from black to dark brown, even with a slight red or green hint. The primary use of Crude Oil is for production of fuel oils and gasoline and since the 190’s has become the world’s main source of energy.
Trading firms, companies in the energy sector and retail traders all follow Crude oil prices closely, which can be traded on futures exchanges such as NYMEX and ICE. A single lot size is quoted in dollars and cents per barrel. In addition to trading direct on futures exchanges, brokers now offer CFD trading where Crude Oil can be traded with much lower margins and has made this an instrument attractive to retail traders, who benefit from wild intraday swings in prices.